Friday 23 November 2012

Thanks to the canx. Sure.

At this moment exactly four weeks ago I was sitting in a room with my boss, about to be canxed. That is to say, I was about to be notified that my job, owing to a management team restructure (fair enough), had been cancelled. I was to go immediately, leaving behind my office key and security pass, and taking with me my personal effects. This type of incident is known as a MASSIVE SURE.

However, it appears that every sure has the proverbial silver lining within. Since that time I have indulged in afternoon naps, watched spy dramas in the middle of the day, cleaned my apartment from top to bottom at a very leisurely pace and finally 'returned to sender' the gigantic pile of mail addressed to previous tenants that was in my hallway. And also, happily, I have found another job. It's a good one, and I'm really looking forward to doing it, but for now the very very very best thing about it is that it doesn't start until the third week of January. So, thanks to the canx I have two months of freedom.

Having sorted the job situation out I was then faced with the interesting question of what to do with my time. The answer came from a conversation with my cultural mentor, Brother Neil LRSB (acronym to be explained later). He drew up for me a quite splendid list of museums, galleries, stately homes, churches and other noteworthy places to visit in our fine capital city, and this blog is my journal of the experience. Today I have purchased a pin board and printed out a map. Over the weekend I will put together my schedule. And next week it shall begin. I am going to try to take bus routes I've never used before, visit exhibitions and buildings I've never been to, learn many things I didn't know, and eat some quality cake. My thoughts and some photos will appear here. I will be taking a very small companion with me too. Sure.